Specialist training programme (proposed)
The Society is working closely with the Division of Medical Management of the College of Public Health Medicine of South Africa to offer a Fellowship called Fellow of the
College of Public Health Medicine (Medical Management) of South Africa or FCPHM (SA) Med Mgmt.
The proposed training programme would be four year full time based at one of South African Universities Medical Schools like any other specialist programme.
Higher Diploma in Medical Management
Besides the Specialist programme in Medical Management, the Society worked closely with the Division of Medical Management of the CMSA to initiate a Higher Diploma in Medical Management. The Regulation for the Diploma is being approved by the CMSA and sent to the Health Professions Council for approval.
Short- courses
The Society would like to work closely with national international organisations to develop and offer short courses in Medical Management. They will help to provide Continuous professional development. In addition, the Society would use these courses as one of the criteria for recommending its members for grand-father clause when applicable.
The South African organisations offering courses in Medical Management are requested to contact the Society for affilition.